Featuring: Jonathan Benno, Per Se; April Bloomfield, The John Dory and The Spotted Pig; Karen Bornarth & Roger Gural, The French Culinary Institute; David Bouley, Bouley, Upstairs, Secession and Bouley Bakery; Cesare Casella, Dean of The Italian Culinary Academy, Chef/Owner of Salumeria Rosi; Ariane Daguin, D'Artagnan; Alexandra Guarnaschelli,Butter; Paul Liebrandt, Corton; Morimoto, Morimoto; Melissa Murphy, Sweet Melissa Pâtisserie; Nils Norén & Dave Arnold, The French Culinary Institute; David Pasternack, Esca; Zak Pelaccio, Fatty Crab; Jacques Pépin, Dean at The French Culinary Institute; Alfred Portale, Gotham Bar and Grill; Michael Psilakis, Anthos, Kefi and Mia Dona; Alain Sailhac, Dean at The French Culinary Institute; Marcus Samuelsson, Aquavit; Amy Scherber, Amy's Bread; André Soltner, Dean at The French Culinary Institute and Former Chef/Owner of Lutèce; Jacques Torres, Dean of Pastry at The French Culinary Institute, Jacques Torres Chocolate; Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Jean-Georges; David Waltuck, Chanterelle NYC
The only hands-on event of its kind, the New York Culinary Experience offers you the chance to cook side-by-side with some of the world's most renowned chefs.
Sign up for intimate, informative and interactive cooking classes with acclaimed chefs, restaurateurs and industry insiders, including Morimoto, Jacques Pépin, Marcus Samuelsson and more, plus a special appearance by a surprise guest—a renowned chef featured on one of TV's most popular cooking shows.
You'll prepare—then enjoy—dishes under the direction of these industry giants, attend question-and-answer sessions, wine tastings and, at the close of each day, a private reception for NYCE students and chefs. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and you are welcome to bring home the dishes you create during the day. If you don't have a lot of experience in the kitchen, don't worry. All you need is a desire to learn from and interact with the best in the business.
In addition, NYCE attendees will have the opportunity to purchase tickets to a private dinner with a world-class chef at the home of The French Culinary Institute founder Dorothy Hamilton. Proceeds from this exclusive event will benefit The Future Chefs Scholarship Program, offering scholarships to aspiring chefs so that they may attend The FCI.
Sounds great, until you get to this part:
To purchase tickets and for more information, contact us at 646-314-4413 or nyce@conundrummarketing.com. Tickets are $1,395 for the two-day event and are inclusive of classes, breakfasts, lunches and a closing reception each day.
Guess that doesn't include transportation and hotel accommodations, huh?
I'm going to ask for this for my birthday, which is October 2nd. (Happy bday Papa Minx-I remember the cake!). Think anyone will get it for me??
It's certainly worth a try!
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