I found a new site,
This is Why You're Fat, that features photos of some gruesome-looking chow. But I don't see any problem with these items:

Chocolate-covered bacon.

Country fried bacon and gravy.

Candied bacon ice cream.

Bacon donut.

Bacon chocolate chip cookies.
Are you getting the theme yet?
I love that site! And as weird as it sounds, I'll bet chocolate dipped bacon is good! I had just heard about chicken-fried bacon last week... may have to try that this weekend!
Michael Symon made a chocolate dipped bacon on DI. Been meaning to try it. Salty and sweet. Just like Michael.
I saw that episode - he was in Wildwood, correct? And it was not only chocolate coated, but it had toasted almonds on it. Sounds like my kinda candy.
Correct. I forgot about the almonds!
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