If anyone has any doubt that Gordon Ramsay is a flaming narcissist, check out a partial list of his enemies, which include Jamie Oliver, Mario Batali, and Marcus Samuelsson. He's also talking smack about former NY Times critic Frank Bruni and Bobby Flay. Read the whole article here.
Sure, Tony Bourdain is a married man, but if you've ever wondered what he considers to be the sexiest foods, check out the list at the end of this Cosmo article.
What do you think? Does the prevalence of High Fructose Corn Syrup in so many products lead to an increase in Type 2 Diabetes? Seems reasonable to me, since HFCS is used in products that might not necessarily contain sugar because it improves mouthfeel, particularly in low-fat products.
Would you wear a dress made from bacon? My dog would love it.
The best restaurant in the world has issues, too, especially when its food makes 67 patrons sick in one week. "Noma"virus, anyone?
Posted on Minxeats.com.