
Monday, October 25, 2010

Choice Bites 10.25.10

José Andres is opening a restaurant in Las Vegas that will mix the flavors of China and Mexico. Two of my favorite cuisines...sounds like my kind of joint!

Pizza Flowers. Esoteric, but wow!

It's Fall, and Fall means pumpkins. While some folks prefer to relegate them to sitting on the stoop (hon) and acting decorative until the squirrels have their way with them, some of us prefer to eat these hard-shelled curcubits. Endless Simmer offers 100 ways to cook a pumpkin in this article.

It's not like they're serving Cream of Bin Laden or anything, but Campbell's Soup has managed to piss off activists with an Islamic connection.

Will you be voting first, or chowing down on a McRib first, come November 2nd?

Heaven forbid this church decides to have a pancake supper....

If you find the sight of a food service worker wearing gloves comforting, think again. Ya still gotta wash yer hands!

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Dear Charlie Sheen - stop posting anonymous comments on my blogs. Thank you.