
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You Say Large, I Say Venti

I was just reading a survey on Serious Eats regarding how one orders their drinks at Starbucks. A few responders say they don't use that "fake language" (grande, venti) and always obstinately order small, medium, or large drinks. Um...that "fake language" is called Italian.

If you're being pig-headed about it, why not order a large espresso drink with steamed milk and milk froth? After all, "cappuccino" is from that fake language....

(For the record, I usually get a venti half-caff Americano, which the baristas usually have ready for me before I place my order.)


  1. As one who is known on a first-name basis at my local Starbucks for my regular order of an iced venti non-fat latte, may I say BRAVO!

  2. I rarely visit Starbucks or any other coffee joint, but when I do, I get a small (large at Starbucks) plain old cup of decaf. I'm a traditionalist when it comes to coffee.

  3. I always laugh at the commercials that say "We don't use that fancy talk" and then they want you to buy their (save me) "Dunkaccino's".

    Hooray for my Grande, Triple Ristretto, Vanilla, Non-fat, Extra Hot, Light Whip, Mocha. Was that so difficult?


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