
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Towson Farmer's Market

I had the opportunity to go to the Towson Farmer's Market for the first time this past Thursday. Several things struck me:

1) It's tiny.

2) Why does produce grown a couple of miles away cost more than supermarket produce that came from another country?

3) Apart from atrociously-priced rasp- and blackberries, I can't eat most summer fruits because of my stone fruit allergies (peaches, cherries, apricots, plums are all verboten.)

4) Mr Minx hates summer squash and beets, and neither of us care much for white corn. Apart from that, there's not much left besides herbs (which we grow ourselves), tomatoes (ditto), and something that appeared to be kohlrabi.

I was not impressed, and rather disappointed. I did buy a jar of chutney from a friend of the friend with whom I attended the market, and a half dozen half-stunted, somewhat wormy ears of corn that tasted fine but was mostly cob. I know eating local is best for the environment, but really, this was not a convincing demonstration.

(No need to mention the other farmers' markets in the area - I am aware of them but do not drive, plus the weekends are usually chock-full of other activities. Like sleeping late.)

1 comment:

  1. Hey - you got my email, right?

    Have you been to the Tuesday market outside Atwater's at Kenilworth? It's the afternoon - from 4-7. It's small - even smaller than Towson - but I kind of think the selection is better. Plus, I have a lot of Atwaters love.


Dear Charlie Sheen - stop posting anonymous comments on my blogs. Thank you.