
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Buffalo Tofu!

On Friday, my friend Melinda and I had dinner at the Golden West Cafe in Hampden. She's a vegetarian, and they have tons of options for her, plus lot of meaty things for me. But we were both attracted to the Buffalo Tofu starter: deep fried tofu, slathered in hot sauce and served with a creamy dipping sauce and celery. I didn't think to take a photo of it until we had eaten about half:

It was delish! The outside of the tofu got a little soggy under the sauce, but that only made it seem more like chicken skin. The insides were airy and chewy, almost doughy like fritters. It was pretty spicy hot, but the nice Ranch-ish dipping sauce did a good job of cooling things down. I would definitely order it again.

I also got a green chile turkey cheeseburger with a side salad, and Melinda got the breakfast polenta. She chose their new "meat" option of vegetarian chorizo and does *not* recommend it. It's crumbled tofu overly-seasoned with lots of chile powder and cinnamon. Gack. The cinnamon is overpowering. tastes like no Mexican chorizo I've ever eaten. (Psst, GWC - try garlic and annatto.) Made me glad I am a carnivore. :)
Golden West Café on Urbanspoon


  1. OMG, now that's a buffalo "wing" I could get behind (as in behind the plate, chomping furiously)!

    OK, next year if I come to MD for the sheep and wool, I must get you to meet me at this place.

    In the meantime? I may have to try and re-create it at home.

  2. Looks yummy! I think I'd like to try that sometime soon.

  3. I finally tried the Buffalo Tofu Wings (?). They taste great, the sauce is addictive! I had to peel off alot of the breading to get to the 'meat.'


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