
Friday, November 30, 2007

What Are The Five Foods You Couldn't Live Without?

I spotted this on Ed Levine's blog and thought I'd take the challenge. Man, it's difficult. Because I am such a fickle eater, my favorites change from day to day and month to month. I'm not one to eat the same thing over and over again, like my husband and his daily lunch of a turkey sandwich, cookies, and a piece of fruit. I like variety. But what can't I live without? What would I miss the most from my varied diet?

Numbered, but not actually in order:
1. chocolate. I have a horrible sweet tooth and sometimes a small piece of chocolatey goodness is all I need to satisfy a craving.
2. ice cream
3. cheeseburgers. I am an unrepentant carnivore, but cheeseburgers are the only meat product I regularly get a hankerin' for
4. citrus fruits
5. salads - my favorite way to eat vegetables, they are infinitely variable and go well with cheeseburgers

So what are the five foods YOU can't live without?

1 comment:

  1. My five:

    1. spaghetti - my favorite! I love love love it!

    2. caramel - on or in anything...

    3. peaches and pineapple - fresh if possible

    4. breads - garlic, bagels, biscuits, rye...any except for cheese

    5. steak - medium well though - I can't stomach the blood

    How's that? okay, now I'm hungry


Dear Charlie Sheen - stop posting anonymous comments on my blogs. Thank you.